More 4x4

More 4x4

Finding an experienced team to help you with everything you need for your 4WD can make a world difference. We are Aaron and Ben Mitchel, two 4WD enthusiasts whose passion for experiencing the vast lands of Australia on our 4-wheeled companions launched us into a family business devoted to helping fellows alike with their 4WD vehicles.

With extensive experience under our belts, we cater to all of your 4WD requirements alongside our team of passionate 4WD enthusiasts.

Your vehicle is stuck to the paved roads and you need help? Need upgrading on your old 4WD? We got your back. We can help you with anything from routine oil changes to comprehensive servicing. Our services extend to upgrading suspension systems, vehicle reparation, pre-trip preparations, storage solutions, diff locking systems and a wide range of 4×4 accessories to suit all your 4WD needs.

We are your support for on-road and off-road adventures, regardless if your 4WD is old or new. We supply everything you need for your 4WD companion and if you have trouble finding what you need, we encourage you to contact us directly and find a mutual solution for your problem.

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